The higher the brightness of the LED wall, the better?
When many manufacturers introduce an LED wall to customers, most people will say that the higher the brightness, the better the quality will be. Is this really true? Absolutely not. JDX comes to show you the truth.
As a light source, the LED lamp usually experience brightness decay after being used for a period of time. Because the LED electronic display uses self-illumination technology. In order to achieve brightness, more drive current is needed. However, under a strong current, the stability of the LED lamp will be greatly reduced, and attenuation will be rapid. In other words, the brightness is sacrificed by sacrificing the picture quality and lifespan of the LED screen. What’s more, LED display with high brightness will become environmental pollution at night, so moderate the pursuit of brightness become more meaningful. (Another way to avoid the pollution is using brightness sensor for auto-adjust brightness)
And for cost factor: The simple pursuit of higher brightness would make some waste. Users who buy screens are likely to go beyond the budget. For example, our different led mesh models are with brightness 500-8600nits, the increase of brightness leads to cost rising. Just choose the suitable models with enough brightness, not the highest one.

What influences the brightness?
- LED lamp
- Driving method
- Current and voltage
- Viewing angle
Ways to control the led brightness.
- change the current.
- WPM control. Change the light pulse width periodicity. As long as this cycle short enough, a human can’t find the tremble of the screen.
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